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interviewed by kazouk

That is why I teach my ladies how to lead at lady styling course!

Hi, Solange. Over a year ago, I launched the Kazouk website, which aims to connects zoukers worldwide. I started interviewing special zoukers from the UK, and then expanded globally, including places such as Brazil, Amsterdam, Spain, Abu dabi, France and Israel. I have now returned back to the UK!

Uval has nominated you as one of his special zoukers (He has nominated two ladies cheekily!!) I did not know most of the zoukers who have been nominated in the past, but I know you because you were the very first person who gave me an opportunity to find out what zouk is like, at zoukfest and at the Mambo city Alicante dance holiday back in 2013. It was an amazing experience and it was how my zouk journey started!

So my questions to you may be more personal, be prepared!! :

1. Yuval has nominated you as a special zouker. You have been queen of zouk Lambada and a pioneer of the zouk scene not only in the UK but world wide. Would you tell us your story since childhood of how you first got into dancing and how you shifted towards zouk dance?

I started dancingLambada when I was 14 years old. I entered a Lambada competition with my brother Berg and we were very pleased to take 2nd place in our first dance competition. From the age of 11 I also had jazz classes for 5 years. Berg was my first dance partner and we taught Lambada at Danceworks twice a week and a club night and classes on a Monday night at Havana Fulham. When Berg left London I took over the running of the classes with Joseph, my husband and we created ZoukLambada UK which has been running for a number of years now. Joseph and I have also taught and performed at many international congresses; Europe, America and of course Brazil.

2. In the past 10 years, I have heard that there has been dramatic change in the zouk scene. Would you be able to describe how it has changed? How you have been adjusting to its changes?

Well, in 10 years everything needs to change, we always need to keep moving forward and adjust to the flow of change, it’s a must! Zouk is an influence of many different dances, which I think is amazing. As long as you keep to the foundation of the dance, we can take any route.

3. Did you settle in the UK because you met Joseph? What is the reason you chose him as your life partner?

I met Joseph , in one of Berg’s dance classes 18 years ago. On this particular day at Danceworks, Berg told me to dance with that guy, pointing Joseph out to me. Immediately we had a connection which continued off the dance floor, connecting on the dance floor does not always mean you connect off the dance floor. Obviously Joseph being English and I Latin, we had a few years sorting out our differences. We have a deep understanding and I feel really lucky to have a wonderful husband, and the best dance partner I could wish for.

4. Now you are a mother of two children as well as a zouk performer and instructor who teaches worldwide. Do you want your children to follow a similar path as you have? Or not, and why?

I haven’t really thought about that! All I want for my kids is for them to be happy and to follow their own dreams, as long they are happy!

5. You created Zoukfest 2013 in London and lately completed the third London fest successfully. What made you decide to organize such a big event and how do you think it is going? Your ambition seems to go from strength to strength. What is your next project?

It's funny,initially we approached our partners Robert and Jean White, to organise dance holiday in Alicante as there are not many Zouk dance holidays in Europe; sun, beach, nice hotel etc. Robert suggested that we do a Zouk event in London. My reaction was “NO WAY”, London is expensive, and there are too many Zouk events in Europe already. Joseph and Robert finally convinced me to try! So Like everything we do, we gave it our very best shot, and wow, it worked! It is something that we are very proud of! I would like to take this opportunity to say that the success of Zoukfest is all the hard work of all the teachers, Djs, and the promoters in the UK. About the next project, I wish, but no more time to anything, we are so busy!!!

6. I saw you were interested in face make up. If you were not a zouk dancer, what would you want to be? What would you have done? In other words, what is your passion apart from Zouk?

As I’m not a young chicken anymore, I have to think of something else. Make up is perfect, I absolutely love it! I am so lucky that Joseph and I can work together.

7. You recently started lady styling course. Do you think lady styling is important to do with zouk despite how zouk is a partnered dance? Some people think it only deters a couple from making a good connection and overstyling is not good for a couple dance. What is your opinion about this?

Definetly, ladies styling is a must and I will explain why…. for a female dancer it is very important to be in control of your own body and to condition yourself to have a deeper understanding of how your body and your movements respond to music. You need to control, show resistant, and interpret all at the same time; this is when styling comes in. I also include a practical session; you must never over style where it throws your partner off. Ladies styling is about enhancing your dance not impede your partners lead. To achieve this I also teach my ladies how to lead, so they can have a better understanding of what it feels like to lead someone. It is a very good course, I have had very positive response from the girls they are all saying that they feel the difference in the dance.

8. Would you advise people to practise zouk at home if they are not able to go to class regularly? Any tips to practise dance by ourselves to those who cannot come to class every week?

For sure, you should always practice; the more you do the more you will be able to achieve in the dance. But, there is nothing like attending a class where you learn how to follow or lead a partner. The best tip I can give is practice what you have learnt in class in front of a mirror.

9. Would you tell me any part of the zouk scene you feel needs improvement? What is the best way to promote zouk dance worldwide? In London last year, so many new instructors created new events therefore there are events everyday. What do you think of this?

Unfortunagtely I really believe that we have more dancers but the level is not very high. This can be due to different reasons; financial, lack of time, also some people skip classes or move levels too quickly. I hope this will get better with time. Social media is quite good to promote Zouk worldwide. I believe it is more important that we need to try to get new people. At present there are not enough Zouk dancers to attend all the Zouk events locally and worldwide. I thinks it is great having new teacher’s and events everyday, but this has always been the case even going back 5 years ago, you could attend a class and social night every night of the week. I believe this to be a good sign! Actually London is the only place that you can dance Zouk everyday. This is great!

10. Finally, please nominate a zouk dancer from a different country, preferably a male zouk dancer from Latin countries? (Unique person, a special zouker, stated with your reason. Remember special zouker does not need to be semi professional or professional dancer but the zouker has to be a big character with unique activity and personality)

I will nominate my brother as he is the reason that I am dancing. He taught me how to dance and helped me to bring out my passion for the dance! Without him I wouldn’t be the dancer I am and I continue to carry this passion until today.

11. Please comment anything as a message to zouk readers!

Never give up dancing and never let anyone diminish something you love to do. If you are new to the scene, do not feel intimidated by what you see; with practice and dedication you too can achieve a state of dance euphoria.

Thank you very much for sharing your story!!

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