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15 ingredients you should keep in the fridge for making you a super zouker

The ingredients shown to the right are the essence of making a Super Kazouk Meal to keep in your fridge all the time, making you young, vibrant and clean from the inside out. Remember the most beautiful and sexy person is someone who is healthy.


Here at Kazouk, we believe that a healthy body and mind is the key to ultimate happiness, which can embrace your zouk life to be even more special.

15 ingredinents you should keep in a dining room to make you super zoker

Kazouk Power Meal ( KPM)


These meals are not particulary meant for a diet to lose weight, It is Just healthy meal we can enjoy yet super healthy.  No restriction of volume of meals provided you are super active. You can enjoy social drink and restaurant foods up to twice a week. KPM is a life style that you can throughly enjoy foods and excercise at the same time and you will have right energy for dancing and maintain good shape and mind which leads healthy and happy life. See samples of Kazouk meals!


Kazouk Power meal are consist of  6 steps ( step 1 - water, step 2- Smoothie step 3-Good Break fast, Step4 - snack ( before lunch or after lunch) Step 5 - Lunch (light, medium and full options) If you go dancing, choose light dinner. Otherwise choose either medium or fuller option. But finish eating before half past 6pm

If you went dancing, you may have step 7! 



    Step 1 -  Supply enough Hydration you lost during night and we                         need to fuel us with Proper Breakfast - Lukewarm water with 

                lemon to start with! 

                Most important meal a day!


   Step 2 - Drink Smoothie - Vegitable smoothie is the best 

               but smoothie made of fresh Fruits and fresh vegitable 

               for tasty option. I sometime use Green complex and 

               Beauty oil or coconut oil in it.



   Step 3 - Breakfast - most important meal a day

               If you take vegitable smoothie, you can eat fresh fruits

               and Yogult. 



   Step 4-  Moderate healthy lunch - Main is Protain with Salad 



   Step5- Healthy Snack - nuts 



    Step 6 - Dinner time 

              Eat Dinner before Half past 6pm,  -

                                                    Light meal but full nutrition

                                                    you should eat lighter than regular 

                                                    dinner if you go dancing later

                                                    sample menu is full potion, you can

                                                    eat half postion if you go dancing.




   - Midnight after dancing - well, we are not sopprsed to eat after                                                   6pm in an ideal world but we are all                                                     pekish after good dancing!!


                                                  We could have a small potion 

                                                  of foods but only digestive meal

                                                  for good sleep.

                                                  Heavy meal prevend us 

                                                  from sleeping well. Soup is an ideal

                                                  option if you cannot sleep without 


Ingredinents shown left are my top 15 indegrents I always have in stock as I feel almost immediate feel-good effects on me. Especially taking ginger in morning make myself powerful. Taking Pinapple cleans my bowel work smoothly.


Of course I buy lots of different ingredinents 

apart from those,such as white cabbage, okura, mouli, But these 12 ingredinents are my core of

healthy cooking and foundation of KSM.

There are more healthy super ingredinents available, for example, turmeric, coconuts milk, acai etc but they are not in my lists.

My food lists need to be versatile.



I used to cook variety meals everu single meal, Spanish, Italian, Indian, Thai, Vetnamie,French as well as Aian foods.

As time goes, I realised cooking so many variety of foods every single day cause so much waste and I decided to simplify my diet to focus on feel good meals based on core ingredinents which I should take most of the day. This enabled me to spend much less time on cooking and much less waste and money spent. furthermore, I feel much better and lost

15KG without realising it.



In 2011, I was once 67kg but I did not look fat and I did not realise I was fat, nobady ever said to me. but I remember somehow I hated buying new clothes as nothing really suit my body at that time.


In 2012, when people start noticing my change, I started to realise this cooking and excercise I was doing is something special.


I scalped my body competely different shape without a diet, no formura, no restriction. over time, I realised I have lost 2 stone to 53kg.


I ate chocolate cakes, wines, fried foods and red meats.  I also eat four times a day, quite big meals.  After six month, people started to notice and started to praise me

after a year, finally I became a heroin at my gym everyone was talking about.

People who have never talked to me approached me and ask how I did it.


I was not thinking over the period, but I analised how I achieved to feel great. I feel confident, love buying new clohes and even showing off my belly wearing crop top now. I feel sexy too. The best thing is that I have never starved myself and did not cut any social gathering.


I investigated what kind of diet is similar to what I did. Not Atkin diet because I eat carb quite often (Sushi, bread...) Not 5:2 !! Never! I cannot starve 2 days feeling miserable at weekend!! No way!


not "GI diet", I am learning now but I did not know what kind of food are actually GI was. No Sugar diet though I do not like sugary foods excepts few dizzarts.  I recently read about " alkerline diet "and maybe this may be the most I would like to agree to it. I will investigate this more but KSM is not diet formula!  Its healthy meal with life style we feel great in mind and body thus enhancing zouk dancing. 


Many may disagree to me, But I personally believe dancing zouk require right body. The body does not have to be slim and lean, but Low BMI and low fat mass help. Flexibility and lots of isolation move and power to sharpen brisk moves at times.

lifting, turn you leg outside.  I believe zouk dancing is a physical art which can give viewers a emotional touch not only for dancers but viewers.  To do zouk beautifully, beautiful mind and body accompanished. 

A cup of Alkerline Pure Water

A cup of luke warm, alkerline water in the first thing in the morning is must who want to make stomach wake gently and effectively. 

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Super KSM - Smoothie next

Next step- Fresh Smoothie

The next thing you need to make is a cooling, fresh smoothie.


Always we need probiotic yoghurt, flaxseed, almond milk, lemon and mint. ( Core A set)


Every day you can change ingredients, This juice is Pear, Pinapple and Blueberry and a small celery and Spinach leaves. I will make Super Smoothie page separately. Ideal healthy smoothie 70% vegitable and 30% fresh Fruits, but selections are vary 5:5 or  6:4 or 4:6, 7:3,3:7 ratio labeled each juice. This juice 7(fruits) and 3 (Veg) and not super duper helthy but tasty and healthy. Please note that Pinapple is better to eat as it is.


You do not need to add Ginger as the taste is so overpowering, but I do add first small potion to kick off the day after I extracted 90% of juice. Then I drink juice with ginger first. Then I drink tasty juice next.  Ginger makes you so alert and assist to burn colories without making you tired.  I do not need to add honey. But you can add raw honey if you wish.

Step 3 - Off we go to work


Now The third step is breakfast you like 


As you have taken two important nutrition 

you can now relaxed and you can eat some protain based breakfast. Ideally You can have Porriage, Yogult, Fruits as well as brown bread or pitta pan. But You can eat omulets or boiled egg occationally as long as you had plenty of fresh fruits and yogult.

Step 4 - Snack before/after Lunch

Step 4

Maybe you feel still hungry if you are rushed in the morning. You can take either banana or apple with you. you can eat in the train or break time before Lunch


If you had Smoothie plenty of fresh fruits already, eat nuts, almonds.


Sometime you may allow yourself to take coffee with crowassan knowing they are not super foods. Sometime we want to enjoy variety.

Step 5 of SKM - Green Party Lunch

Green Party)

pinich, Watercress,Rockets, Mint, coliander, Italian Parcely and avocado,tomato with your choice of protains such as boiled egg, prawns, tuna etc  


On diet plan, you can just use lemon. Normal plan is to mix with olive oil and Valsamic venegar. Add Garlic and harbs if you wishes.  french Master give a little kick

for a change.

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Step 6 KPM- Super Dinner ( Side Meal)

Silver Cod Miso marinated Grill

This Silver cod miso marinated is so tasty and healthy. Together with Miso soup and seven vegitable steamed rice, it would be perfect dinner. It is not heavy on your stomach but you feel full.

As soon as you eat them, You would feel so happy and woring on you.

Miso marinating tip_ Choose Saikyo Miso (miso from Kyoto) and use mirin and a little sake soak over night. It sounded bothering but you can marinade 5-7 cods and you can leave remaining cod in a freezer so you can eat anytime you want to eat!!

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How to make Miso Soup. (Accomplishment to meals)


In Japan each households make it differently with variety of Miso. 

In any case you need to make Dashi. Konbu and donko soaked in a water over night ideally and slowly boiled to make sutle taste for the base of soup. Add sake or mirin and a hint of soy souce if nessesary.


Any ingredients possible, but Tofu and wakame, carrots, spring onion, Aburaage are recommended at first.


You can purchase ready made liquid Dashi from Asian shop. The healthiest option is to make soup at home and keep it in a fridge. 

Step 5 of KSM - Light Lunch ( Suitable for a diet)

Super lunch (Light Salad)


Quickly made but full of super foods.

Baby leaves such as water cress, baby spinich, Italian parsley, herbs (your choice of mint, coriander or basil) and tomato and olive oil marinated articoke.  just put heated seed in non oil pan on top and squeese fresh lemon and eat!  You can have with Brown Pitta bread filled with hummus (carrots and celery inside).

Step 5 of KSM - Power Lunch (Medium, suitable to maintain healthy weight and lean muscle)

Boiled egge and Hallumi salad

This is also powerful super lunch, healthy and filling and full of nutrition to keep you going till dinner time. 


Boiled Egg, Hullumi sauted in a non oil fring pan ( non oil) choice of your vegitable such as carrots, celery, green leaves and choice of herbs ( Such as mints and corriander, etc) 


If  squeesed lemon is not enough for you, you can just pour valsamic vinerger and a hint of olive oil.  Small sushi potion can accompany with it.

Step 5 of KSM - Filling healthy Lunch

KSM - Super Lunch ( For fuller )


Maclaw is full of Omega3 and great sauce of protain. brown flower coated and fry for 5 minutes and marinated in a soi sauce and lemon and rice venegar over a hour together with choppped onion and sliced carrots and pacely. (you can add chilli if you like a bit hot)


Eat with brown rice.



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step 5 of SKM- hallumi Mango Quinoa Seedy Mix -for anyone


Mix boiled quinoa with onion, riped mango and fresh lemon and italian pacery.  Decorate with sauted Halluni and heated seeds on top, steamed brrocoli make super perfect lunch

Step 5 of SKM -light lunch- Udon noodle with pouched egg, vegitable, seeweeds and natto ( If available)

Just use dashi and soy souce for soup. vegitables such as carrots or leeks go with this noodle.wakame seeweeds and natto can be purchased at Asian food shop.


Kazouk Super Meal One day     Training for Londoners

   A healthy, quality life for ever


   Make first step to understand    healthy meals with practical help  will transform your life dramatically         


Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays


11:00pm till 3:00pm (Saturdays 14:00-18:00pm)


1. KSM Theory Institution with 2-3 recipes 30min

2. Cooking lunch together and eat together - 2hour

   Some foundation Ingredinents ( Dashi, miso, Flaxieeds

   Tofu, seeweeds) included 

3. Instructions for cooking using further recipe explaining 1 hour

    Consultation 30 min


All are included £100 - One person

                          £150 -  Two people

                          £210 -  Three people


Email to for further enquiry

Step6 of KSM-

- Super Dinner suitable for All (Main Meal)  


Teriyaki Salmon, Vegitable steamed Quinoa, seaweed salad, Raw vegitable 

Please eat either with miso soup or vegitable clear soup ( Will be shown )


salmon is marinated with dashi and raw honey lemon, then saute with the soup marinated.

chop carrots and redpepper in a quinoa and steamboiled for 20minutes with vegitable stock.

Scatter kea seeds on top.


Seaweeds salad are marinated a dash of soy souce and Rice venegar and sesami oil. cucumber and sliceed celery and seeweeds.


Add tomato and lettice and celery leaves as accents.( your choice) If you are dieting, just eat smaller potion. eat with brown rice and miso soup picture below.














Step6 of KPM ( Dinner) Basic Core Sets (A brown rice and B Miso soup) to eat with main Fish or Meat.


Choose Tofu dish if you are vegitarian or diet or try to achieve super meal.


brown rice with hijiki seeweeds and vegitable.

How to make Miso soup will be detailed the bottom of this page. Classic Japanese people used to eat this soup at least once a day. It is said to contribute a key of longivity in Japan. Please try to eat before 7pm 

Would you like more? 


You can have a scheduled meal plan for 4 weeks

together with excercise plan 


1) For Strong Fitness (Build Mustle)

2)Maintain current weight but healthy meal with excercise

3)To lose weight healthly



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