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Yuval from Israel who is claimed to be a dancer who anyone cannot stop loving him

Hello, I am excited to interview you, Olaya has described you as someone who everyone can’t stop loving!

Spontaneously, I decided to change the format of the way I question people this time, so I hope you do not find my questions embarrassing!? You are free to not answer my questions but I hope you enjoy the interview!

My questions to you:

1) What made you become interested in zouk dance and becoming a zouk dancer?

Why do you love zouk?

Hahaha… Olaya is amazing!! I love her !! I’ll do my best to answer all the questions.

1. My sister is actually the one who got me into zouk. My sister and dance partner, Micaela, started dancing first and then she got me into it. I love zouk because it allows you to feel free and express yourself. There is so much room for style and expression in this dance.

2) My question 2 to Yubal was too embarrsing for him to answer so it was declined!! Sorry for my mischivolous question!! It was about flirting!

3) Do you think a relationship between a dancer and a non- dancer will ever work if one of them is a seriously devoted to zouk dance? The reason why?

3. Yes, I think a relationship between a dancer and a non-dancer can work but only I there is trust between them and no jealousy. The non-dancer needs to understand that being devoted to the dance means that you will dance with other people. And to understand that dancing is dancing and nothing more.

4) Apart from your current zouk dance partner, who would you choose for dance performances if you are allowed to choose two professional dancers? (Not limited to zouk dancer!! Please do not be political)

4. I have to cheat on this question because there are so many dancers other than Micaela that I would choose to work with… Solange Dias, Romina Hidalgo, Olaya White Dende, Evelyn Magyari, Natasha Terekhina, Larissa Thayane, these are the first few that come to mind.

5) What kind of dance do you think is the most useful to become a zouk dancer as a back ground?

5. I think the most useful dance to have as background for zouk is ballet because it’s the base of every dance. I also think contemporary is very good and also some other partner dances can be very useful as a background because they teach you how to lead and how to listen to leading.

6) If you were not a zouk dancer, what would you want to be? What would you have done?

In other words, what is your passion apart from Zouk?

6. Well, my passion apart from zouk is music and other dances. I am also a singer and I will finish my 3rd year of music school soon, also over the past year I started becoming more interested and devoted to ballet and contemporary dance. So if I wasn’t a zouk dancer I would be a contemporary dancer or a full time musician.

7) Tell me the attitudes you most dislike about your students or organisers please?

7. Sometimes my students are so eager to dance that they forget that I need to rest once in a while and with organizers I don’t like it when they are not organized… it’s such a great feeling to get to an event that is well organized!

8) Please promote your dance events and your dance style, why is it special? What is your strength?

8. My event is the “Israel zouk congress” I organize it together with my sister and dance partner, Micaela. We had the first one on November 2013 and it was amazing! We are now working on the second one that will take place on November of 2015 (we will have exact dates very soon) We will have a combination of zouk and lambazouk and everyone is invited! In terms of our dance style we have created our own style within the lambazouk style. Our technique is lambazouk and I would say our style is a playful kind of lambazouk. I like to play with the tempo and with space, we also have

9) Now, A bit of serious topic, would you tell me any part of zouk scene you feel should be improved!! What is the best way to promote zouk dance worldwide?

9. I think to improve the zouk world we need to be a little more united as a global scene. There are so many different zouk events and zouk styles that it’s hard to keep track. It’s actually a good thing because it means that the scene keeps on growing and developing. However I think that if there was more connection and communication it would be better, it’s not only the quantity that’s important but the quality. And if somebody knows what the best way to promote zouk is I would love to know… hahaha.. I think Brazouka did a great job promoting zouk worldwide! More exposure like that can be great for our dance.

10) Please nominate a zouk dancer from different countries! ( Unique person, a special zouker with your reason

I would like to nominate 2 special zoukers, Solange Dias and Romina Hidalgo. They are both amazing dancers who have been in the scene for many many years and have so many people that admire their work (like me). They have different styles but they both have so much passion when they dance and I love them

Yuval event will be in November 2015 and the zouk festival seems unique as sightseeing and dance in beach are integrated with party. ( Excursion included! )


Thank you very much for answering such difficult questions!! Normally special zouker is allowerd to nominate one zouker, but I made exception this time in order to adjust uploading timing. Next specal zouker would be Romina Hidalgo and Solange is from UK.

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