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Writer's pictureKazuyo Hamilton

Noora Kykkänen, eye sparkling zouk queen from Helsinki who carries her dancing heels everywhere

Noora Kykkänen, resides in Helsinki, her dancing Journey story will continues with her dancing shoes..

1. Mr Sandeep described that you impress your dance partners within 5 seconds of starting to dance with you! You must be a great dancer. What kind of dances you have done before? Would you tell us your dance history? Why do you love zouk?

First of all, thank you Sandeep for the nomination and speaking so highly of are a gem!

My dancing journey started with Finnish folk dances when I was only 2-years-old. A bit later I joined a local folk dance group and for about 10 years we practiced, performed and travelled to folklore festivals around the world. We basically grew up together. After this period I was a bit lost dancing wise, looking for something that would really make my soul groove. I literally tried almost every form of dancing but never really made any longer term commitments.

Then in the autumn of 2011 I met a girl, Riikka Mustonen, who told me about this new dance called Zouk, eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. I was hooked immediately - easy target! Luckily my current teachers, Freddy and Andressa, were soon having a beginners weekend in Helsinki and I was able to join. As I watched them dancing, I completely fell in love with the way they move. And by falling in love I don't mean just butterflies in my stomach - I felt the whole zoo! :)

And..that was it! Since then I've attended countless amount of classes, travelled to congresses, met amazing people, felt like home anywhere I go and danced my heart out at least thousands of times. I can't imagine my life without dancing anymore. Luckily we have a great scene and amazing teachers here in Helsinki, so I can easily get my daily doze of zouk. ;)

To improve my technique and to take care of my body I also practice ballet and yoga regularly. For me they are perfect counter parts to zouk training. Also to spice up my dancing and explore new concepts I occasionally try to get a taste of other dances like kizomba, tango, hip hop, jazz or contemporary.

2. You are nominated by Mr Sandeep from Abu Dhabi as a special zouker, would you tell me what is the relation with him and you and how did you know each other?

It's funny how someone can come to your life for such a brief moment and leave such a lasting impression. Sandeep is definitely one of the most inspirational persons I have encountered in the zouk scene.

We met in Amsterdam Zouk Congress 2012, I remember watching this beautiful Indian guy with a smile to die for, patiently waiting my turn to dance with him. In the end I got my dance (a really good one) and a new friend. One year later I met him again in Mataro and was able to witness his amazing show with gorgeous Samantha Ho. I was so proud of them both!

Besides being an outstanding dancer and essential part of the zouk scene in the Middle East, he is a caring friend and crazy in all the good ways. Head in the clouds and heart on the dance floor.

3. Please tell us about your passions in life apart from Zouk and any ambition or goal in your life (Or policy or motto)? Do you think is there any relation with zouk?

At the moment my policy is taking as much time as possible to do things that make my soul happy and eyes sparkling. It's not as easy as it sounds but at least I'm on a right track of listening my body, paying attention to beautiful details around me, being present and letting things flow. Dreaming and doing. And most of all consciously learning and growing as a person on the way. All this of course applies strongly to zouk as well.

4. Do you have daily job? (If only you do not mind telling us)

Yeah, I am one of the "Batmans", carrying my leopard dancing heels next to my laptop every day to the office and coming home at midnight after all the classes. I work for a global communications agency as an Account Executive and help our clients in for example change management, digital communications, PR and storytelling. Combining my career to my dancing is one of my main time management challenges as you can guess, but so far so good!

5. Do you follow particular zouk style or music? Please tell us reason why.

I adore the musicality in zouk! If the leader really knows how to play with beats, rhytm, lyrics, movements and emotions.. Boombamwowwau! We all love it, don't we? Although sometimes, if the song is one of my current supermegafavorites, I might get a bit overboard and too independent with my own interpretation.

My preference in music really depends on my mood, sometimes I like it fast and strong, sometimes happy and relaxed, sometimes slow and romantic or even melancholic. There is a time and place for every song. What comes to styles, my teachers here in Finland, Freddy and Andressa, teach zouk traditional (Rio style) but I have also been studying mzouk quite a bit with awe-inspiring Daniel and Leticia. I visit their Spiral Dance -school in Barcelona whenever I have a chance and learn zillion things every time.

6. Is there any particular congress you love to go most, tell me the reason why?

Our very own Helsinki Zouk Festival of course! I am so proud of our growing scene and talented dancers here. The teachers line up is top-quality and despite of the cold weather, dance floor is burning hot. ;) Definitely worth checking out. Join us this November, it's going to be legendary!!

Of course there are many other well organized festivals and congresses in Europe where I love to go every year. And many that I haven't had a chance to participate yet. Last January I also went to Brazil for the first time and participated in Renata's congress in Rio. Loved it!

7. Any particular message for zoukers? (or any advice to zoukers)

Short and simple: Review your basics over and over again. Take corrections to clean your technique. Be respectful to your partners. Dance your ass off. Enjoy the ride.

8. Please nominate a great zouker with interesting profile in your circle but in different country please? And tell us reason why he or she deserve to be a special zouker?

This is a very tricky task, there is so many interesting and special people in our scene! After careful considerations, I would like to nominate a lovely Parisienne, Sabrina Beija-Flor.

First of all Sabrina is a beautiful dancer, delicate yet strong. Since my first congress ever I have admired her graceful dancing on the social dancing floors. She is always sharing a lot of good energy and smiles where ever she goes. She has been an essential part of the European zouk scene for a long time, travelled a LOT and I am sure she has many interesting stories to share. Secondly, she is doing amazing job with the zouk scene in France, putting a lot of effort in it and still managing to succeed in other areas in her life as well. Maybe she can share some of her secrets?

Personally, Sabrina was one of my very first female zouk friends from abroad and she has probably given me more support and inspiration than she even knows. ;)

Apart from these questions, please feel free to describe something important to feature about you, I may edit some.

Thank you Kazuyo for your lovely patience with my interview and good luck with this great project! The more united the zouk scene is, the stronger it gets!

Hope to se you all in Helsinki Zouk Festival! www.

Lastly, thank you so much for taking time and agreeing to be featured in kazouk.

I am sure, many people would be interested in knowing you more and your connection worldwide will more expand.


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