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Writer's pictureKazuyo Hamilton

Lets keep passion alive not an addiction (Blog)

The Cotton last night was packed with dancers, with both beginners and experienced dancers. As Maja is leaving for Australia for good for six months, the most advanced dancers in London gathered up at the Cotton and it was so great to dance with a variety of people. There was David from Australia who danced with me in Calpe and Fernando who has just returned from Brazil. Someone once said that women enjoy dancing more as we can experience totally different dance styles every time we change dance partners. Last night was good example of this.

Anthony, who administrates the “ cazouk” facebook group (yes, it is the same pronunciation!) was also present and I really enjoyed his unique, eccentric and electric style of zouk, and I was further impressed when I heard that he is additionally a tango dancer. Male tango dancers normally become great zouk dancers. This is because they have good frame, but Anthony also has great musicality and rhythm as well as with this good frame. He can dance syncopated steps with rhythm, which is rarely seen in UK zouk dance scenes. Unfortunately, we have only danced twice to date, including last night, but the dance made me imagine how it would be if we danced on recording as I like to think that I am also an eccentric zouk dancer (in fact, my new project will be a zouk video collection, filming me with various great dancer partners whether they are amateur dancers or professional dancers!). I know some people could criticize me as an exhibitionist but being recorded of our performance is fun and the best way to improve dance to me at the moment! I have many ways to amuse myself and make projects time to time. This website is part of my project and so far very successful, thank you for visiting my site!! Any kinds of opinions or guest post relating zouk dance, health most welcome!!

It was also nice dancing with Karim, a young but caring hopeful who has already shown amazing talent by learning difficult moves in a short period of time; I have booked him to be a future dance partner in a zouk competition and he has already agreed to it! This plan is becoming realistic, starting with when I was selected as a runner up at the 'Jack and Jill dance competition' at Calpe 14 which was an experience I thoroughly enjoyed. I was secretly hunting for a dance partner with whom I could enter zouk competitions with in the future. It may not happen within two years, but it is always good for me to aim for something high and have a purpose for working so hard. To me, social dance at any club is only part of my joy and I love the process of learning dance, to see myself improve and the feeling of my body changing is thrilling. I also enjoy net working at zouk community and can observe human psychology studying through zoukers.

When one dancer complimented by describing me as the best zouk dancer to David, who calmly responded by stressing that our level (David and me) is not in the same league as the level of top Brazilian Amateur Dancers at the Berg congress he attended. This Berg Zouk Congress, held in Brazil every New year, is said to be the ultimate destination for zoukers. He is an advanced dancer in my eye, but he said that actually, he is merely at Intermediate level in the Brazil Congress. Hmmm, Humble he may be, several people who have been to Brazil have said the same to me so there must be some truth to the statement; there are hundreds of great dancers that gather there. It makes me want to go to Brazil and I know I will have to go one day! The only question now is when? All I know is that going to Brazil once will make me hooked, and I may end up visiting twice a year, every year! In fact, many of my fellow zoukers are planning to move to Brazil, with some having moved there! Evidently, this is what happens when one has become addicted to zouk. No No, I want to keep a balance of life, I am happy enough to keep my current life style, which is enough excitement for me. Why should I stretch further into the unknown if I am happy? Going to zouk parties twice or three times brings me so much excitement and joy already, but my concern is that a faster pace than this may consequently result in a shadow across the rest of daily life, which may eventually feel boring to me? I do not want to be a zouk addict as I know that being obsessed with one thing is not healthy. This is a choice of life and now I have time to think about this. Lets keep a passion alive, not an obsession.

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