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Writer's pictureKazuyo Hamilton

A zouk addict from Holland is also a European Title holder of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and a world connec

A Zouk addict from Holland is also A European title holder of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and a world connection experts - Yasmin Sewgobind

  • When did you start zouk, why and what do you like about the dance?

A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu friend mentioned to me that zouk would be a good social dance for me rather than salsa. I was aware of zouk because my sister was into it and she showed me some clips on youtube. I saw some classes, but I wasn’t interested initially because the movements looked too vague. I was more interested in samba de gafieira back then, but my main goal remained improving my martial arts skills... After I achieved some important goals in my sports career, alongside my natural love for music and dance I got drawn back into the Latin dance scene. There was this amazing deal on groupon for salsa classes which I decided to give a shot. I was then in a relationship and we were looking for something what would reconnect us again. He wanted to do tango and myself samba, but salsa was more mainstream and we decided to do that. After some time, I was hooked and I also loved bachata.. After a few months of salsa and bachata I listened to my friend and tried zouk more seriously..... and I really liked it. For a long while I was doing many different dances, but after the Amsterdam Zouk Congress I was addicted to zouk and it has now become my favorite dance :) What I really love about zouk is that it covers different aspects of emotions and it has huge space for creativity and diversity! You can express yourself in different ways depending on the song and you can alternate in different roles, reminiscent of acting in your own short movie each time you dance (inspired by Antonio Hernandez). With the influences of rhythm, blues, soul, pop, dubsteb, neolyrical and house styles you can travel to several destinations...I find that with zouk I can release all the emotional and physical energy I have. This for me would be impossible if I were to dance to other Latin dances such as salsa and kizomba all night. I know there is great music variety in kizomba, but the movement from what I see is too limited to give me that physical fix!! . Salsa has more space for the physical movement but the music is way too monotonous in my opinion. Zouk is just a complete dance in combination with music which I can enjoy the whole night. Furthermore, I find it fascinating how two individuals can connect and create, it’s like an unspoken language that is revealed when you dance zouk.

  • I heard you do Jiu Jitsu apart from zouk as a hobby. Did you start this before zouk and why do you like Jiu Jitsu?. Is there any relation between two?

That’s is correct, to be more precise: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)! I started almost 10 years ago in 2004. You are asking me things where I can write a whole book about but I’ll ty to keep it short! First of all BJJ is a fascinating sport where a smaller person could escape or beat a bigger person by using leverage. It’s the art of leverage where technique and strategy are important elements to play the game. Because of these elements it’s very challenging and so far the only thing that has kept my interests and fire going for such a long time. It’s playing physical chess, where you need to anticipate all the time otherwise you get killed haha Very fun & exciting ;) But okay, seriously, the kick after a good roll is very addictive too, and it covers a lot of elements..I mean, it’s a complete lifestyle: it connects your mind, your body, your social world, your health all together. It build your self confidence and it makes you a stronger person, not just physical, but the phycial connection is as important though! The strong bond you create with your teammates playing together is in my opinion an important factor to be happy and it’s a complete sport were power and endurance are balanced perfectly. A natural and healthy way to develop your body. Like zouk, bjj is a physical art where two bodies creating art. Both is a form of physical language and are forms of meditation. Dancing and fighting are both very old arts and has always being integrated in human lifestyles. In western societies nowadays the physical connection is being eroded because of changes in values and development of online communication. It’s also not necessary to do hard physical work to survive anymore. All these developments are great and should be an addition to a better life, but it is easy to get lost and get lazy. Where in the past solely traditions and religion where guiding us, we now have more space to fill in what we value and how. We now have more time to express ourselves, but the issue is there are many passive ways of entertainment and material temptations yelling at us through the media and shops which distracts us.. Our body is designed to move, and we also need a social connection with other humans. How do you feel when you are moving, especially when you start to connect with someone! And what is the effect?.... It gives you energy and a feeling of well being (to be a bit more precise: it stimulates the release of hormones like dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, PEA, oxytocin e.o.)! So, moving & connecting is boosting our systems and stimulates our creativity...Its easy nowadays to go for short term fixes to satisfies our needs ..and that’s a pity, because in the long run it won’t really make us happy…It stimulates social isolated behaviour and please take care of yourself and be active in social physical arts. It will make you a happy, healthy and a connected person! Let’s roll & dance through life :)

Technically: In both BJJ and zouk the core and the hips are the most important part to be a good fighter or dancer. BJJ gives me balance and coordination and I know how to defend and attack, which means that you know how to follow in zouk, otherwise you also break something by bending joints into the wrong direction (so following is like defending). Doing martial arts sharpens your reflexes, all very important ingredients for dancing, however the big differences are that in BJJ you don’t want to show your emotions and be in control and your are dealing to overcome emotions such as fear and danger but in zouk you open your soul because it’s a safe place where you can express your other more “happy, sensual and love related ”emotions .

  • Is there anything you achieved by doing those activities? What is it?

Yes, I did :) I have two world titles, two European titles a Dutch and a Brazilian title and a bunch of silver and bronze medals in big tournaments and also a lot of medals in smaller competitions. I have competed in about 50 tournaments in Europe, Brazil and the United States, gave seminars and created one of the biggest female BJJ camps in the world. I had a mission to make an platform where women who are in a minority can practise together in a non competitive area and just share their passion. Yes, there are lot’s of women who travels for just rolling with girls haha. I made an online documentary for the camp and it just hitted 40.000 views on youtube! Further I’ve been teaching at several teams to spread the art.

  • Do you have any day job? May I ask what it is ( If you do not want to publish it I will not do it )

Yes, I’m a marketing manager at a big fitness centre in the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam.

  • You seem to have many connections in your personal life, how do you acquire those connection?

For me it seems that everything is connected haha, so my way of viewing the world is through that holistic view. I have seen many times how diverse events and people are connected (I don’t need FB for that, however FB is a great source for social data !). So people around me know that I often say it’s a sign of the Universe. There are just way too many things which would be a coincidence . Sometimes you should take time and reflect and discover patterns or which events happens and which causes has which effects…

I travel around, love people and try to be in touch with them. Curiosity, showing interest in others, listening and enthusiasm can go long way. Furthermore I’m naturally outgoing , positive little energy ball with a strong mind which is a good ingredient I guess to connect and attract others too. Also I’m a natural networker, I enjoy organising sharing & spreading information.... I studied Communication Science where I hold a Masters degree...

  • Do you have any mottos in life or a life project that you wish to pursue in future? I like to develop myself as a better dancer. Maybe open my own academy or set up a coaching consultancy agency where I coach people with physical exercises.

  • Do you have any advice for other Zoukers?

Try other activities which may develop and complement your zouk! My background in BJJ gave me a good sense of balance. Not the most beautiful one like ballet dancers though, but I can protect myself from falling and having fun on the dance floor. Actually, IF I would fall, I would have a lot of fun too hehe But once you have that, it makes it easier for spinning and drinking, and buying drinks is important to keep our socials alive so get your balance right hahaha!!! It’s a win-win situation ;)

  • Have you ever been involved in organising other events related to zouk?

. Yes, on new years eve I organised a cool zouk party in a big house and for my birthday I also recently organised a zouk social and one outdoor event in the park. I’m supporting Brazilian Zouk Amsterdam of Gert Faber and Charlotte by assisting in their classes and promoting their classes. Of course I help to promote also the great congresses and festivals in Holland. Furthermore, on a number of occasions I have hosted zoukers in my home. More to come..! :)

  • Now you wish to nominate another zouker called Antonio Hernandes, please tell us reason why he has something special? And relation to you.

I like to nominate zouk devil Antonio Hernandez. He seems like a tough cookie with his background as a former American Football player and his rebellious taste for rock music and his cool looks, but take a look closer and discover a great, inspiring and humble dancer who is doing a lot of great stuff for the zouk community! I'm sure this character has a great story!

Thank you for spending valuable time on this great interview, Yasmin and Sanjai who kindly offered to proofread in his spare time.

Please do not copy any idea or contents any of pages from Kazouk website without asking me permission. Kazouk pages consist of 13 category which are all created by Kazuyo.

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